Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season!
Now it’s time to get back to work with plans for Arts on the Credit events for 2018. We do have a few, one of which I would like to introduce you to.
We are well on our way to designing a fabulous cookbook, “Art Bites”. This book is meant to be a fundraiser for our events this year. It will be very different from other cookbooks you might have as we are making it very personal. The artists are sharing a favourite family recipe with an anecdote explaining their connection to the recipe. These are tried and true recipes. You will be getting a glimpse into the personal lives of our artists through their stories. Each recipe
will be accompanied with an illustration by the artist, perhaps a painting, or could be a photograph or even a textile piece designed specifically for the submitted recipe.
We are hoping the books will be ready to launch at our April show. If time allows we may be able to stage a launch prior to the show. Stay tuned for more details.
Here are a few images. You can try to guess what the recipes might be.