Shahram Shimi


We will begin introducing our new artists over the next little while. Shahram Shimi is an exciting digital artist that has joined Arts on the Credit in 2016.

As early as 1972 Shahram Shimi was designing structures on main-frame computers at the University of Aston in Birmingham England, where he graduated as a Civil Engineer.
Losing his engineering job during the construction slump 20 years later, and the bleak outlook in Toronto, both prompted him to embark on a journey of exploration aboard the vehicle of Internet technology, then at its infancy, where he could apply his computer skills in a productive and marketable environment.
He designed and posted his first website in 1998, honed his skills and grew with the technology as it became more challenging and prolific.
Initially as a component of website design services that he offered professionally, the computer-generated graphics gradually found a life of their own and developed into a creative niche and passion where, as he puts it, he “found his voice” or as he chuckles “his mouse”.
Today his artwork, while arguably unique in form, diversity of subject, and spectacular colour, also encapsulates an inexplicable magnetism, expressing indeed his inner voice and passion through the vehicle of modern technology. He owns and manages three personal websites with over 2000 of his designed pages and several Youtube postings on the Internet.